Recently I have photographed lots of babies! Most of them have been 9 months, but I have had a 13month old and 1 month old as well. In three more months, there will be lots of partying going on! Six to nine months is one of my favorite ages to photograph. The child can sit on their own and are usually very happy. Once they start walking, we are all over the place! There isn't a calm moment again until the age of three. These babies are part of my "Watch me grow" club. I have four different sessions to choose from. "The Transition Session" is a pair of sessions: one to capture the end of the pregnancy, and one to celebrate the newborn. " The Newborn Session" is a single session to document every detail of your newborn. "The Basic Baby Session" is three portrait sessions: Newborn, 6-8 months old and one year. "The Ultimate Baby Session" is a collection of five sessions throughout the baby's first year. Each session includes a customized framed art composite and the maternity session includes a ten image book.
Be sure not to miss out on documenting your baby's first year of life!
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