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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fashion for Life's top model of the day: Jake

Today's Fashion for Life's top model of day is a junior from South Lenoir high school, Jake.  Jake's favorite color is orange and his favorite movie is "Forrest Gump".  He likes listening to Three Days Grace and he is an avid "Duck Dynasty" fan.  Jake plays the trombone in the school's marching band.  He also enjoys basketball and playing X box.  He has a beagle named Bucky.

Five things people might not know about Jake:
1) He loves bright colored shoes
2) His favorite restaurant is El Azteca
3) His favorite bible verse is Philippians 4:13
4) His favorite bible story is "The Parable of the good Samaritan"
5) His dream car is a camouflage camarro

Jake plans on attending a four year university and studying Music Education.
A word to describe Jake is

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