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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

March Storybook: Alice in Wonderland

Photo: Behind the scenes of Alice in Wonderland. Charlie wanted to be the Cheshire Cat!
March Storybook will be Alice in Wonderland.  It will be held March 15 & 16th with a live bunny!  We will have a Mad Hatter's tea party and even play croquet with flamingos.  I have done Alice before, but this year I have added the Mad Hatter.  I had a lot of fun creating his costume. I had two cute boys who modeled the Mad Hatter for me and one adorable little girl.  The Cheshire cat even showed up!  Of course he was mainly interested in the white rabbit!  The set is magical and it would be a shame to miss this the third in my Disney series.  You can join the Storybook Club at any time or just participate in this one session.  The Storybook Club is $120 registration fee which pays your sessions for 5 sessions in which you have a year to complete.  Being a Storybook Club member, you also get a sheet of wallets with each session which is a $160 value.  This club is ideal for children ages 2-7.  Don't miss out on all the fun!

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