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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

They grow up so fast

Well it's that time of year again, time for school to start.  All the parents that who were praying all summer for the kids to go back to school, are sad now because their little ones are growing up way to fast!  Well they do grow up way too fast!  Eighteen years ago, I was walking my "little ones" to their classes and now I just hope they are GOING to their classes.  I have decided that I do not like August because it not only is the end of summer, it is the end of another chapter in our lives.  Once school starts back, everyone is so busy that they forget to enjoy the little things and the next thing you know, another year has flown by!  You should really sit back and enjoy this time in your children's life because tomorrow they WILL be all grown up!

Of course, one way to capture this time is those priceless portraits from me!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Family portrait

The family went to Myrtle Beach recently and we took a family portrait.  The only time we could do it was one of the hottest, brightest days we had.  After reminding everyone to wear their white shirts and kakies, we head out to the beach.  The sand is so hot, we can't go barefooted and I didn't have my flip flops so I had on bright yellow socks.  My children reminded me that I was not dressed appropriately.  I get the camera set up and the light with a sand bag to keep it from blowing over and set the self timer.  Everyone is in place.  I push the button and run to get in the picture.  Little did I know that I had forgotten to take the camera off of bracketing, so it was taking five pictures back to back.  After several attempts to remedy the problem, (not to mention that the sun was so bright that I couldn't see the back of the camera!)  I finally got it fixed.  By this time I was tired of running so I told my husband it was his turn to push the button!  The kids were really getting hot and cranky by this time.  Molly of course said that this was going to take forever!  By the end everyone was jumping for joy to be through.  On the count of three everyone was supposed to jump.  Obviously, some people can not follow direction!  There's always one (or more) in every family!

Friday, August 9, 2013

The mosquitoes are here!

A couple of weeks ago, between downpours of rain, I photographed a beautiful senior named Taylor.  After completing her indoor session, we braved the great outdoors to go to Mike's Farm in Kinston for her outdoor session.  When we got there Mike said he had just killed a rather large snake earlier that day so to be careful.  Reluctantly we ventured into the woods to find the beautiful clearing at the end where the sun was peaking through.  As soon as we stepped into the woods, we were attacked by killer mosquitoes!  They swarmed us like nothing I have ever seen before.  We covered with bug spray but that didn't seem to phase them! Taylor's step grandmother  braved the attack with us while her mom and granddad had the car close by for a quick get away.  We could hardly stay more than a few minutes, but we got some incredible shots!  I have to say that was one of hardest outdoor shots I have had to do.  Taylor did a great job putting up with the bug life and her pictures turned out great!