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Friday, August 9, 2013

The mosquitoes are here!

A couple of weeks ago, between downpours of rain, I photographed a beautiful senior named Taylor.  After completing her indoor session, we braved the great outdoors to go to Mike's Farm in Kinston for her outdoor session.  When we got there Mike said he had just killed a rather large snake earlier that day so to be careful.  Reluctantly we ventured into the woods to find the beautiful clearing at the end where the sun was peaking through.  As soon as we stepped into the woods, we were attacked by killer mosquitoes!  They swarmed us like nothing I have ever seen before.  We covered with bug spray but that didn't seem to phase them! Taylor's step grandmother  braved the attack with us while her mom and granddad had the car close by for a quick get away.  We could hardly stay more than a few minutes, but we got some incredible shots!  I have to say that was one of hardest outdoor shots I have had to do.  Taylor did a great job putting up with the bug life and her pictures turned out great!

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